Asia and Pacific

Half of the global plastic
is produced by the countries of Asia and Pacific. Increased plastic product usage means more CO2 production absorbed by the ocean and plastic pollution.
World's largest producer of Fish
which is achieved by unsustainable fishing techniques and overexploitation.
Hi I'm Husna Sheik from Sri Lanka, completed my bachelor's specializing in Oceanography and Marine Geology. Everything about Ocean excite me. I have started my advocacy to bring awareness about marine diversity for the school children in Sri Lanka. It's a timely need to build awareness about marine as in my opinion, it's our prime duty. Ocean what has kept all our lives in balance. If it collapses that would be the end of our time. And also I have started doing researches related to ocean. OceanBiome is my aspiring research family with whom we conduct researches to resolve unresolved ocean related problems in my country. I hope "if we could act now to safeguard the ocean, we can solve much of the climate related problems in this planet.
Husna Sheik
According to research, there has been no proper data collection to picture the ocean crises of this region


There has been an increase in fishing activities from 10% in 1947 to 33% in 2015.
Half of the world's global plastic is produced by the Asia Pacific region out of which it consumes 38%
In coastal regions Southeast Asia, sea-level rise threatens the salinization of coastal aquifers, affecting drinking water sources and coastal ecosystems.
Garbage patches are large areas in the ocean consisting of big whirlpools- called "gyres' which accumulate all kinds of marine debris.
There are five gyres in the ocean- out of which three are in the Asia and Pacific region. The famous of these is the Great Atlantic Garbage Patch which is in North Pacific gyre.