Our Objectives
Prepare and empower young people in matters related to the problems of the Ocean, through the exchange of knowledge with specialists, taking advantage of the energy and initiative of young people and creating an inclusive and collaborative space through a global action network that promotes and prepares young leaders for the future.
Dissemination of knowledge of Ocean Literacy through coordinated work with various local, regional and international platforms, in collaboration with the initiatives of the "United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development" established by the United Nations.
Dissemination of knowledge of Ocean Literacy

Raise the
Sense of

Raise the sense of urgency to address ocean problems as has been done in the Conferences of the Parties (COPs) and in the events of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC); Also including the Convention on Biodiversity through participation through coordinated actions with the press and social networks, and the preparation of documents with specific positions.
Contribute to the solution initiatives to make the problems of the Ocean visible, in the search for quick and expeditious responses from the various actors involved in the various problems identified worldwide, participating, creating alliances and promoting strategies such as the Sustainable Development Goals, the Agreement on Paris and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Contribute to Solution Initiatives